Definition of Terms
Knowledge is a coherent whole, which is never static or complete, but an unending process of movement and unfoldment. As TLF is relationship-based education it is perfectly suited for interactive emergent learning. Imbued with the core values of trust, embodiment, and self-reflection, transformation emerges as we grow together, exploring, dialoguing, and learning together.
Emergent curriculum is non-traditional. Faculty decides when to offer their course. Courses meet once a week. They vary in length and hours achieved. Curriculum is designed to meet learners’ needs. Learners have the opportunity to engage transformation from the zones: Whole Human Development, Indigenous Wisdom, Spiritual Activism, Expressive Arts, and African Wisdom.
Emerged through collective visioning, Zones bring focus and Intention to a specific field in which Transformation emerges. Specificity allows faculty and participants to play in the fields that they love. Through the use of Zones, all faculty embody the courses they facilitate. Learning is not theoretical but engaged with our whole Being. Students grow through diverse approaches that bring forth transformation. New Zones emerge when relevant.
Collectively envisioned, each Zone is a specific field in which transformation emerges. Specificity allows faculty and participants to play in the fields that they love with focus and intention. Through the use of Zones, each faculty embodies the courses they facilitate. Learning is not theoretical but engaged with our whole Being. Students grow through diverse approaches that bring forth transformation. New Zones emerge when relevant.
We become the living expression of our learning, radiate aliveness and expand to include all whom we touch. In this way, our inherent wisdom has a social, ethical, and transformative impact. Transformative Dynamics is a culture of embodiment. Every participant in our organization embodies these dynamic values. The structure of our organization exemplifies embodiment.
Participating in a course without enrolling in the Certificate Program. The only requirement is forum posting in Circle. All courses are available for auditing. Audit fees vary and are clearly designated for each course.
Formally known as a director, is a core staff member who embodies transformation, communicates with faculty and Synergists of other zones, is responsible for registration, payment, contracts, tech, social media/marketing, and relations with Board members.
Trust in oneself, in the relationships among all those learning together, and in the knowledge that will be explored. When trust exists in relationships, the relationship becomes a dynamic force of transformation. Knowing trust, new perspectives arise and old patterns and frameworks transform into new behaviors that unleash the dynamic force of mutually beneficial relationships.
Engagement hours are accrued through bringing learning into the world such as projects, public presentations, readings, and class assignments. Each course has Engagement Hours included. Students can alter the hours with agreement from faculty. Course hour credits vary in accord with faculty designated requirements and specified length of class. All classes require the creation of an artifact at the end of each class. Course hours are granted for artifact creation.
Our community wide forum. All classes require forum contributions. Each class has its own section. The community section is for everyone to share their interests in transformation. Typical contributions include presentation videos, dialogues, media recommendations, information sharing and requests, etc
Through many iterations Transformative Learning Foundation (TLF) its staff, and faculty have searched for an accredited partner committed to providing low cost, high quality post graduate education free from the constraints of the crippling expense of Universities, with its concurrent degrading alliance with banks and government. Ubiquity, a global university (, has joined with TLF to offer Masters and Doctorate degrees in Transformative Dynamics. Completion of the Certificate Program guarantees acceptance in Ubiquity. Courses with an M after the title are valid for Masters course credit at Ubiquity; those with a Ph are valid for both Masters and PhD credits.
Upon acceptance at TLF, each student is assigned an advisor for support in all aspects of the Certificate Program. Their primary responsibility is to help the student complete the program. The relationship between the student and the advisor is based in trust and communication. The advisor meets with the student upon enrollment where together they review the specifics of the program, design a plan, and set up times to periodically meet it to ensure success. The advisor also facilitates the Capstone course.
Holistic Education, Spiritual Philosophy, and Wholeness-Integration-Interconnection combine and recombine to create a dynamic, undefinable spaciousness in which Transformation emerges. This space, unbounded, without end, provides the atmosphere in which the ancient Transformation paradigm is continually reborn. We actualize our wholeness and live as this paradigm.
Each Zone has a Core course which embodies the essence of its transformational qualities. Completion of each of the five Core courses are required, bringing insight and appreciation of their unique approach, and surprising similarities to the dynamics of transformation.
The word Being means nothing essential is missing. Whole Being refers to the essential qualities of our humanity. It not only includes the basics—physical, emotional, and cognitive, but also our innate capacities to trust, to relationally self-govern, and to profoundly connect with Earth and cosmos. Moreover, Whole Being refers to the synergy of all of the above, and thus the Mystery of existence. Whole Being is the field in which we Know Ourselves.