Ubiquity University Partnership

TLF has partnered with Ubiquity University to offer graduate credentials in Transformative Learning!

Learners who have completed our Certificate in Transformative Learning will have the option to continue their studies with additional coursework and a thesis or dissertation through Ubiquity University to earn an MA, PhD, or combined MA/PhD. 

A Dream Partnership

TLF has long been searching for a partner who would not only approve but brim with enthusiasm at our way of educating. Ubiquity University shares our values, our general approach, and our commitment to affordability. Ubiquity’s mission of offering transformational higher education for people ready to make a positive contribution towards solving current global challenges resonates with our own mission. 

Through this partnership, we’re excited to offer expanded opportunities for our learners. Those who benefit from this collaboration will be among the first to earn graduate credentials in the cutting-edge and rapidly expanding field of Transformative Learning. 

When students transform their certificate through Ubiquity’s graduate program, they are joining a community of over twenty thousand like-minded peers and hundreds of organizations. Through Ubiquity Press, students can take advantage of a powerful academic publishing network to reach ever widening audiences.

Ubiquity’s degree moves beyond the dry, limited, and objectified dissertations to include self-reflection and direct engagement. This allows students to enjoy a more creative, authentic, and relational graduate experience. 

How It Works

Once enrolled in the TLF Certificate Program in Transformative Learning, students are assigned an advisor who will help them determine their timeline and navigate the process of transitioning to Ubiquity’s coursework.

No separate admissions process is required to attend Ubiquity University, and no credential other than completion of the TLF Certificate Program is needed for enrollment in Ubiquity’s Masters or Doctorate program. TLF Certificate graduates may simply visit the Transformative Learning Graduate Degree page on Ubiquity University’s website to sign up for the graduate option of their choice. 

Tuition for Ubiquity credentials is paid separately from TLF’s Certificate Program tuition. Both TLF and Ubiquity are deeply committed to creating new forms of higher education without prohibitive costs and predatory financial practices. For more information about the combined cost of Transformative Learning graduate degrees, please visit our Financial Information page. 

For more information, watch our information session with Ubiquity.

Degree Requirement Breakdown:

MA in Transformative Learning:

  • Transformative Learning Certificate Coursework = 13 credits

  • "Creative Journey to Dissertation" Coursework = 4 credits (Required for all graduate students writing dissertations)

  • Dissertation writing phase w/ advisor = 10 credits

PhD in Transformative Learning:

  • Transformative Learning Certificate Coursework = 13 credits

  • "Creative Journey to Dissertation" Coursework = 4 credits (Required for all graduate students writing dissertations)

  • Core Courses with Ubiquity = Chartres Academy Pilgrimage (In-person/Virtual) AND Great Books = 7 credits

  • Dissertation Writing phase w/ advisor = 36 credits 

Combined MA/PhD in Transformative Learning:

  • Transformative Learning Coursework = 13 credits

  • "Creative Journey to Dissertation" Coursework = 4 MA credits (Required for all graduate students writing dissertations)

  • Chartres Academy Pilgrimage (In-person/Virtual) (4 MA credits)

  • Great Books = 3 credits

  • Electives (8 credits) = 8 credits

  • Dissertation Writing phase w/ advisor = 36 credits

    For more information on accreditation, visit Ubiquity’s Accreditation page

    Note on accreditation from Ubiquity’s page: “It is important to note that GAC is not officially recognized by the EU or US accrediting bodies. GAC provides its own accreditation standards focused on impact and quality. We believe that if you get the training you know you need, you will find the place where you can offer your gifts out into the world.”

Current Ubiquity University Fees

For those interested in using their Certificate in Transformative Learning towards pursuing graduate degrees with Ubiquity University please visit their site for up to date details about the fees for the Ubiquity University graduate programs.

Master’s total cost at Ubiquity University: $5,000 + TLF Certificate Hours

PhD total cost at Ubiquity University: $15,000 + TLF Certificate Hours

MA/PhD Degree combined cost at Ubiquity University: $16,600 + TLF Certificate Hours

Please confirm all details on the website with the registrar. Registrar has the final authority to interpret and apply policies stated anywhere on the website. You can email info@transformativedynamics.org with any questions.